AT BOLPUR Maharshi Debendra Nath Tagore of
Jora- sanko, Calcutta on who fell the mantle of Raja Ram Mohan Roy to reiteratetheism was
born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Religious devotion and communion with God raised
him to a very high spiritual pedestal and he was a true Yogi in the midst of affluence and
plenty. Not only did he stabilize the Brahmo Samaj founded by Raja Ram Mohan Roy but also
almost unwittingly he laid the foundations of great temple for future India where people
of all castes and creeds could congregate and worship God.
Debendra Nath Tagore's religious mind used to prompt him to
seek peace and quite for religious meditation. He selected a spot at Bhubandanga about a
mile from Bolpur town where he used to go often and give himself up to religious
meditation under the shade of Chattim tree. At first he would pitch a tent and spend days
there. This prince among men both for his saintly appearance and scholastic and spiritual
attainments used to attract the villagers and particularly the Santals from the
neighborhood that almost worshipped him as a Rishi.
Eventually he secured about six and a half acres of land,
built a dwelling house on it, and, later on, a chapel and a Brahmovidya- laya or school.
Debendra Nath soon collected a few friends and scholars and in the midst of a very
peaceful surroundings of sylvan beauty the group devoted them selves to regular prayers
and charities. The chapel was thrown open to one and all. The holy of holies in the
sanctuary was the spot where Debendra Nath Tagore used to hold personal prayers as well as
to give religious discourses under theChattim tree. Under this tree was a small elevated
seat made of white marble--the Vedi--upon which, Debendra Nath used to be lost in
contemplation and held communication with God. |