might be mentioned in passing that this particular style of temple architecture was
introduced in the Deccan from the second quarter of the
eighteenth century. Those days took the Marathas to the North, especially to Rajasthan
and Malwa, and from there they brought at home this novel but extremely elegant
pattern. At a number of places in Maharashtra like Nasik, Nevase, Toke etc. temples
of this style sprang up.
All of them were erected by persons who had seen service in the
North.The local style, known as Hemadpanti or Yadav style is quite distinct from
either the Northern or the Southern styles. TheYadav style, is no doubt nearer to the
northern pattern, being just another idiom of the same basic concept. Even in the absence
of any clear record on the point, it can be stated with a certain amount of certainty that
the present temple of Bhimashankar is not earlier than 1750 A.D.although the kshetra is definitely older.
Like most of the Shiva temples in this part, the floor of
the garbhagriha is on a level much lower than the out side ground. The ling is in the
centre,the Yoni being on floor- level, the ling projecting from it. Water is constantly
dripping on it from the abhishekapatra hanging over
it. |