while he was going about his way through the Patala or the Yamaloka, he heard strange
moaning sounds. He recognised them as human voices and went about enquiring as to where
from they came. Nearby he found a dark pit, deep as a well, where in a number of persons
were seen standing in mid-air, without any visible support. They were wailing most
sorrowfully. it was indeed a pit; able sight. Richika asked them the cause of their
distress, whereupon he was told that they belonged to a single family, and their living
descendant was a brahmachari.
He naturally had no issue and on that count
they could not attain moksha. The young mendicant felt sorry for them and tried to console
them with some philosophical discourses. The men in the pit were not quite enthusiastic
about it and asked him who he was. The reply was Richika. "Oh, then you
are your self our curse! Richika, we are your own ancestors, Oh child why have you put us
to this agony?" This was too great a shock to the young fellow, and he swooned of it.
When he came to, they advised him not to curse himself but to approach the sage Kaushika
at the famous kshetra of Bhimashankar.
That sage would certainly show him a way out.
It was thus that Richika had come to the ashram of the venerated sage. The old man took
pity on the young fellow, dug, a small kund in front of his ashram and poured some water
in it from his kamandalu. Under standing full well the significance of this kund
Bhimarathi rushed to the spot and soon it was overflowing. Kaushika then asked Richika to
bathe himself in that kund and perform the shraddha
rites of his forefathers. He did accordingly and his ancestors received moksha. The kund
has retained this efficacy to this day ! |