The great god
then assumed a gigantic form, mounted upon his vahan, nandi. Arming himself with Trishula
and damaru he rode to battle, shining like a thousand suns. Enraged at the behaviour of
the asur the great god was frequently lugging at his jatas. His great army of ganas and yogin is like Dakini and Shakini collected around him. Tripura learning of the
impending invasion, prepared him self for the struggle and advanced towards Shiva who had
now assumed the Bhima form and was on that count, called Bhimashankar. The furore caused by the contesting armies was so great that the
earth began to tremble violently, and Shesha had great difficulty in holding here, on his
head. The opening skirmishes were fierce, the earth receiving a bloodbath. Tripura could
not tolerate the reverses his army suffered and dashed forward to strike against the
principal enemy. So arrogant had he become through his previous successes that he did not
hesitate to throw abuse and insult at the Lord of the Himalayas. The battle that ensued
was without a precedent.
Shiva launched one after the other his astras like parigha and trishula. The asur on his side sent numerous
arrows. But the exchange was unfruitful as Shiva destroyed the missiles in mid-air.
Tripura though hurt by the trishula was not killed due to Brahmadevas blessings.
Then Tripura flew into the sky and sent down on Shiva a veritable rain of arrows and
missiles. This caused a great havoc in the army of gods, many were hurt, some
seriously, others fatally. |