are to be narrated some practices with are either of a barbaric-aghori-nature or have
affected the social structure to a considerable degree. Some years ago it was a custom to
walk across a trench full of red-hot burning charcoal. A more horrible custom was to bang
from a tall pole with a pointed book thrust in the back. This must have been an extremely
painful procedure and a still more horrible scene to witness.
This custom has been prevented by law now,
although huge poles, chains and hooks still are seen in the vicinity of the temple. the
grim relics of a bygone age. These customs horrible as they were did not affect the
overall social fabric, But the custom of offering the child, born of a navas, to the
service of the god had the most far reaching consequences, These children had to spend
their entire lives in temple service. The made children were known as Vaghes
while the female ones were known as Muralis. Out of these, the custom of offering a child
as a vaghya still continues but the custom of turning children into Muralis is now
forbidden by law. in keeping with the nature of the Hindu society, very soon these vagheas
and muralis were treated as a separate social caste group.