few stone slabs with letters carved on them were found during the excavations. On excavation, some carved stone pieces meant for the shikhara of an
older temple were also found in the lower-most foundation of the temple. Stones of older
temples were also found used in the repairs of the later ones.
Certain stones used in the shikhara carved on one side were
used in the plinth after a fresh carving had been made on the other side. Some steps
carved on both sides showed that they were used for different parts of different temples.
Some bricks 18 in. X 12 in. X 3 in. and 21 in. X 10. 5 in. X 4 in., yellowish in colour,
were found below the yonipata, the circular stone base round the Linga of Somanatha in the
garbhagriha. |