their departure the boy Gnanasam- bandha. did not like to return with them, but stayed at
Madurai, alone. By then the spiritual awakening had dawned on him and he spent his time in
worshipping Lord Sundareswara and Devi Meenakshi as a devout Sanyasi. One illustrious
morning when he went to the golden lotus tank for ablution, he noticed a number of pious
men besmeared with sacred ash and wearing Rudrakshas after bathworshipping the idol of God
with devotion.
Jnanasarnbandha also liked to do so. But he had no
idol of his own. So he prayed to Chockalinga, to give him one such. As the
mind's desire is reflected in the dream, that night God appeared in his vision and said:
"Your wish shall be fulfilled. You will find in the north-eastern comer of the tank
an image of mine for your worship." Accordingly, early next morning Jnanasambandha,
with great eagerness, rushed to the spot indicated and plunged into the water. To his
utter amazement and delight, he found the image of God as He appeared to him in dream the
night before.