kept the idol in the cave for some time, when his son and nephew joined him. In the
forest, they lived on roots and leaves. In course of time Kodavar and his nephew died. His
son remained in charge of the idol.
Two rular tribesmen accidentally met the
80-year-old son of Kodavar living with the idol in the cave. The old man narrated the
full history from the time they leftSrirangam to that day and requested them to carry the
message to Srirangam. Srirangam was a distant place for them, probably not known. They
took the information to the chief
of Chandragiri, a neighboring principality. He made necessary arrangements for removing
theidol to Srirangam from the
desolate cave.
To commemorate the marriage of his daughter, Nanda
Chola constructed two temples, one for Kamalavalli his heavenly
daughter and the other for Alagiya Manavala (charming bridegroom), at his capital,
Uraiyur. The temples are still
existing. Time passed and the Chola
principality lost its original strength and power, and the country was divided into many
territories, ruled by different
princes, giving opportunity for invasion from outside. The Moguls established their
suzerainty over Northern India and they were gradually turning their eyes towards the
South. |