deep veneration Brahma went round the chariot four times chanting the four Vedas with his
four mouths and stood before Lord Vishnu in prayerful pose representa- tives of all the
worlds of the Universe, including Durga, Saraswati, Sapta Rishis, Navagrahas,
constellations of stars and the Ashta Palakas and others were also in attendance.
Being pleased with the penance of Brahma,for the
first time the realSwarupam of Vishnu in Ranga Vimanam with his attendants was shown to
him as desired. Since that day the RangaVimanam became most famous, as the real seat of
the Universal God. Brahma wanted to worshipLord Vishnu in the Vimanam
forever. Lord Vishnu agreed to his request and Brahma took him to his abode in Satyaloka.
Brahma was happy to worship the Vimanam. News
spread in course of time to Manu, the son of Sun God Surya, who was attracted and desired
to have the
darsan, for which he performed a penance and fulfilled his desire by a visit to Satyaloka
and, paying homages to the Ranga Vimanam, then in the custody of
Brahma, he attained liberation. |