son Ikshwaku cherished the desire of possessing the Ranga Vimanam for the benefit of the
people on earth. He consulted his family preceptor, Vasishtha,
who advised him to start penance uttering the sacred Ashtakshara Mantra.
Accordingly, Ikshwaku started a severe penance
which puzzled even the devas, foreboding evil days for them. They attempted to spoil the
penance bydeputing Maninatha and the celestial nymphs to distract his attention. Indra
took the lead in this affair and did not even hesitate to send the Vajraayudha (lightning
weapon) to foil the penance. But all failed in their attempts. In disappointment, they
prayed to Brahma, to save them from the baffling catastrophe. Brahma on his part
approached Ranganatha for advice.
Ranganatha consoled Brahma by expressing his
desire to go to Ayodhya where he would be worshipped by the descendant of the Solar
dynasty for four yugas, and at the end of the fourth yuga he would go to the kingdom of
the Cholas in the South, on the banks of the Kaveri, where he would stay for 700 years. At
the end, of this period he would return to
Brahmaloka. Brahma was directed to part with the Ranga Vimanam to Ikshwaku.