glory of the newly enlarged empire was reflected in the grandeur of the great temple, a
master piece of Dravidian architectural glory. Erected out of the spoils of the conquests,
the temple is a fitting memorial to martial achievement. It towers as a monument of piety
and religious zeal.
It is interesting to note that a very large sum
was spent to construct scaffolding to carry the central stone of the Vimanam, to the
summit, for which an incline four miles long on scaffolding had to be made. The huge
expenditure and the labor involved can well be imagined.
In the east and south sides of the encircling cloisters are the Yagnasala, the Kitchen,
Store Room and Dining Hall and on the west and north sides stand Parivaralayattu Pillaiar,
the nine planetary deities in the shape of Lingas, 108 Lingas, and the figures of the
guardians of the 8 directions. On the walls are depicted the 64 divine Plays (Lilas) of
Siva. |