The legend behind
this is that once upon a time two Rishis named Athi and Sambu who were brothers lived near
about. The elder of them Athi was devoted to Siva and the younger Sambu to Sakti. They
were very much devoted to their respective deities and led a saintly life. As ill
luck would have it, once they fell into a quarrel regarding the comparative superiority of
the deities worshipped
by them. Each remained adamant about the supremacy of his deity over the other. As it could not be decided, Siva appeared and apparently settled the dispute
by expounding the equality of the two. Coordination of both Sakti and Siva is necessary
for creation and continuance thereof. Therefore, there could not be any question of
superiority or inferiority. But the brothers were not satisfied. Siva became angry and
cursed them to become vultures, as they did not consent to the solution given by him. At
this, the
Rishis fell on the feet of Lord Siva and repented. Siva promised them redemptior, at the
end of Dwapara Yuga. The two Rishis were accordingly born as vultures and worshipped Siva
daily. These are the two vultures who had been visiting the temple at the top of the hill
at mid-day to worship Siva and who are offered food. |