Lord Bizarre Beliefs & Odd Traditions
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Temples Of India


The Sakteyas are mostly tamastic in their habits and method offering worship also. Their upasana is of many kinds, but a large majority prefer offering sacrifices since they confer certain awe-some potent powers, which they put for their self glorification. They are much dreaded people, for the Siddhi they attained is always put to destructive purposes.

They worship the Kshudradevatas and for appeasing their hunger. sacrifice of animals was advocated in the beginning, and some staunch, rather perverted upasakas went to the extent of offering Narabali-human sacrifice. Sorcerers and witches, who worshipped ardently those Kshusdradevatas remorselessly offered humans, who credulously obeyed their crafty maneuvers, when chance threw them into in their nets. Puranas and history embody several episodes illustrating the heinous role played by the votaries of kshudradevatas. Even great intellectuals and kings too fell prey to the mantrikas who by virtue of obtaining some powers from them wrought havoc in the bygone past.


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