worship differs from other forms, say Vishnu, Siva, Muruga, Vinayaka etc. The
priests too are mostly non brahmins. The authentic treatises are many embodying
the conduct of procedural offering of worship to the Sakti in a wide variety of
her manifestations, like Kaliamma Gangamma. Mariamma, Komiamma etc. The texts
have neither uniformity, nor authenticity. The goddesses are both balipriyas and
satwikaaharapriyas. Sacrifies of animals is a Must to certain deities and
offering of meatless naivedya is also practised in certain places. All these
forms are the incarnations of Omkaraswarupri Adiparasakthi and some are
enshrined in well built temples, and many in make shift sheds. As they accept
sacrifices. high born and enlightened visit not as often as they do to other