So adharma and its satanic hordes shivering in shoes surely take to flight
at the very sight of the resplendent glory of Dharma established by Heggades
- the God's deputies, wielding Dharmadanda efficiently. These venerable
representatives of God, keeping in view of the ideal that Dharma alone saves,
and nothing but Dharma ever makes the earthly existence meaningful have
changed an insignificant speck of land into a world renowned Dharmapita of
eternal significance. Does not that All - Time - Highest, the personification
of Dharma take his
seat at such places ad infinite for dispensing justice? Will
adharma ever venture entering such Punyabhumi? This is neither poetic fancy,
nor the rhetorical flourish of the politician, but the factual truth, solidified
with evidence, and recorded with utmost genuineness and sincerity. And has
been implemented to its every letter, ever since that divine injunction fell
from the holy lips
of the Daivas- the guardian angels of Dharma, as back as in
the 3rd century AD. Its beginning is-imbued with mysticism; yet it is being
practiced with
faith implicit and zeal infinite, inspite of the fact that the Deputy, instrumental
for carrying on and maintaining that Divine will is a Western educated
and widely toured young man, fully aware of the trends of rationalism and
outbursts of atheism. It is here lies its strength and that accounts for its