breeds contempt" , an adage, holds good for humans of lower evolution of
mental make up. But among the highly and fully blossomed flowers of mankind, it
brings closer and binds them into a cohesive one only, and ends in oneness due
to disappearance of apparent differences. Hasn't the just common place
acquaintance of Hanuma with Sriram bloomed to flourish to such an astonishing
degree that he confined Srirama to the four corners of his heart? Its growth
with passage of time was exemplary and worthy of emulation. Krishnarjuna's
kinship though bound them with a slender relationship, it entwined the two
without second but to it self. There are some classic examples that can be
gleaned from and mythologies and bare faced history too. Some examples Guru of
sishya relationship stun the listeners. if elaborated.
the case of amarapurivais too this truth stands unquestioned and poof
stupefying, if examined duly. But the highest supremeness, however much one
desires to enjoy oneness by living in proximity, it is found impracticable and
impossible, perhaps, for this reason, devotees too aspire for mukti of four
kinds -Salokya. Sarupya. Sameepya and Sayujya. All aimed at getting united
through the process of constant association. As the divine belongs to entire
humanity, all cannot enjoy the privilege of living at close quarters for eternal
darsan. So fixation of timings during day or night is earmarked for closeness.