now for full illumination. The ninth day festival is a grand affair and feasts
the eyes and fill the bellies of visitors and artistes as well. It is on this
day the Natakasala Sadya, a grand feast in honour of the Marars, the traditional
percussion artistes is held. The artistes are honoured fittingly with trophies
and titles, in addition to sumptuous feast. The story goes that Lord Krishna
himself takes delight in serving the artistes with his own hands. Once when the
venerable Bilwamangala Swamiyar visited the temple on this festival day, he
found to his surprise the absence of the Lord in Srikoil. And shock greeted him,
when he found the Lord serving the artistes. The Swamiyar exhilarating at this
oddity put the question 'why' to the Lord. Pat came the reply "It is with
their superb perfornmance only the festival reaches perfection. Their
contribution in accelerating the glory of this temple is beyond words. Therefore
I am pleased to serve". None can measure the depth of the ocean of his
Karuna, nor could any instrument record it at any time. How fortunate are the
artistes, and what else they require more than this?