this very same Krishna temple, springs another surprise i.e. prohibition of
elephants in the temple premises. This is equally queer. . some half-baked
brains brand it absurd and unwarranted And an unjust violation of the age old
customs and usage. This immature observation gets nullified. if the origin of
this tradition is traced out.
Krishna, when went with Akrura on the invitation of wicked Kamsa,
had a tough time before entering the palace. For, the diabolical manoeuvres of
Kamsa were many and varied. He not only injected poison into the minds of Chanura.
the court wrestler to squeeze the tiny Krishna to the last drop of blood but
also filled the mind of mahout of the royal elephant with venom to trample him
with all might to death. When the evil Mind of mahout tortured the elephant. it
used its strength to hurl Krishna on and again and placed its heavy feet on him
in the act of killing. but of what avail? Would that Viratapurusha in whose
stomach all the fourteen worlds were abiding be crushed or trodden to death?
Never would it happen. On account of experiencing such untold hardships and
physical harassment by the elephant, Krishna developed aversion for elephants in
general. So he does not like to see them in his sacred sannidhi, nor being
carried by them in ceremonial processions. The temple
authorities are strictly adhering to the injunction of the founders and builders
of this temple. It is Parasuram's innovation and injunction being implemented
without modification.