Laws are made in the legislative bodies for regulation of human activity and its
peaceful progress. They safeguard the nations by bringing the erring before the
Dharmasana and allow the smooth flow of the life stream of people and succeed in
ushering in material prosperity and spiritual beatitude. The process of making laws is
both long and time - consuming. The highest ruling authority alone issues ordinances
under extraordinary circumstances for the good of people.
By-laws are made by certain institutions to carrying on their day to day
business in a limited sphere, of course. Rules and regulations can be made by
organizations for the same purpose. All these are man made. But there are injunctions
made by both visible and invisible high powers, and their origin is mostly shrouded in
mystery. Scriptures embody some such injunctions and hence honoured with tacit
approval. They go by the names of customs, traditions, conventions and practices and
the like.