certain places, as seen in the aforesaid sections superhuman agency through its
deputies is making the hardcore criminals to retract their evil doings. The pity
is that the chard credulous people could not bring the culprits to the
Dharmasanas presided over by the invisible powers.
If they succeed to bring the dishonest to the seats of Dharmasanas; sure the
latter go back in coffins. Neither regrets, nor assurance of reform can be seen
or heard. Now witness the glory of that Dharmasana. It is called the
satyasthapana pitha and the august person who holds Dharmadanda is Devi, a
fierce aspect of Mother Adiparasakti, why with the aid of Nagendra is
despatching the criminals to yamaloka, their perpetual home. This justice is
administered in the temple of Tiruvamathur in Tamil Nadu. The Goddess has
brought undying fame to the temple and conferred beatitude on the innocent
honest man. Now read for full comprehension of the kshetra and Devi.