Episodes Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


I have no wish to become 1Rajamata,
Nor did I aspire the paramountcy for my son any
Nor did I advise them to perform 2Mahayagnas
Nor did I hope my progeny to establish a world empire
Nor did I plan a pilgrimages to all the holiest places
Nor did I yearn for a spectacle of 3Devendra Vaibhava
Nor did I crave for the 4kaivalya siddhi any time
Nor did I desire to be submerged by the wealth of 5Kubera
Nor did I long for a 6punardarsan of my lord departed
Nor did I want to renounce the world now ...............

Aunty dear, tarry a while and tell me,
What then is thy ambition secret,
If you're not for power, pelf or honour
Or the bliss of 7paraloka prapti

Or the thrill of reunion with thy lord departed 
Or the joy of seeing spectacles of rare beauty 
Or the pleasures of material possessions 
Or the contentment of renunciation 
Tell me O Aunty, tell me 
Thy desire unique and odd.


1. Queen-mother ...
2. a great sacrificial act performed for bliss and success ...
3. imperial grandeur of the king of gods... 
4. achievement of emancipation ...
5. Lord of Wealth ...
6. seeing the departed again 
7. attainment of heaven...


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