Episodes Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


This forms an integral part of another great epic called Mahabharata reputed to be enshrining in it all morals: hence the dictum - 'what is not in it, can't be found any where'. The following anecdote turns the search light Inside and spots out the blackest speck in man. And avers - Man is selfish. To the core. His rank Opportunism knows no law, nor cares any. He determines setting fire to the very boat that ferries him across the unfathomable waters; but readily holds on to a piece of the raft to keep afloat if it is wrecked in the mid sea till securing aid Scruples? Exists only to mouth them both in public and private. His kinship With the Maker is still worse. Only when suffocated by grinding worries, he starts praying-' lead Thou me on from the encircling gloom; When once he overcomes them, repetition of the good old story. Hence the misery. What then i s the way out? Look to the path lit up by Kunti, the mother of Pandavas...


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