Episodes Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


This is extracted from the golden leaves of the Ramayana, the immortal epic of mankind. And of all times too. This episode illustrating the purity of king's personal life is cast into the form of Dramatic monologue. Releasing Sita from captivity after the death of Ravana, the ten-headed demon abductor, Vibhishana implores Rama to take her back. Complimenting his integrity, Rama insists on 'Fire Ordeal' for Sita, as a pre condition for reinstatement, though personally satisfied with her impeccable chastity. Setting ethical standards is of paramount importance to rulers. And he did what he said. Neither history has produced so far a parallel to this ideal ruler, nor could the mother Earth ever produce a like of him, for he argues. . . Listen to the line of his argument now...

Well  2Vibhishan, I can read thy mind 
And divine the depth of thy emotions kind 
Discern the truth of thy statement, 
And grasp all its import and intent.

Can even endorse thy supplication, 
without the least idea of any modification, 
Reflects it the spirit of 3Dharma thou imbided, 
Worthy to be on huge boulders inscribed.


1. My lord is the personification of righteousness ...
2. the younger brother of Ravana, who joined Rama before war.  
3. righteousness,..


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