Hindu Ethos In Capsules Volume-I
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Next, Verse has a charm; its rhythm-lilting movement feast the ear and in certain cases enters into mind to liege there longer. Very few titles are devoted for their exclusive use, what them is its novelty? I, therefore, chose this medium to bring out to the attention of tee juvenile reading community, certain gems of purest ray serene' from our immortal sacred lore.

From among the golden leaves of Hindu scriptures certain corpus enshrining a few adorable ethos are taken and placed under three distinct headings-EPISODES VERSIFIED, CONCEPTS VERSIFIED and TALE VERSIFIED. 

The difference exiting amongst them is little, and it seem they are ready to defy the bounds set; and so some overlapping is discernable here and there; yet some demarcation is found quite expedient. If some episodes resemble tales, or tales embody concept better gulp down the contents than bringing them under microscope; for, I fee dumping them all under one head is quite' unpalatable. Hence the separation.

More important! I was no versifier, nor even a rhymester until the commencement of this book and was and is a writer in prose having to my credit some 25 titles both in English and Telugu my Mother tongue.  Further more the present attempt is only in free verse with a difference. I strove hard to bring 'end rhymes' in almost all stanzas barring a few written long back; and they are not perfect I accept Sure unrestricted freedom we know where it leads or how it ends.

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