mod man have any time ' to stand and stare ' or devote a few moments for
eternal value? Poor he! his full time devotion to Disco dance programmes and
Five-Day watching of Cricket matches leave no time say a minute to look at
his soul. If is for such cream I decided to give a few indispensable precepts
in capsules that may detain him an hour or two at the most and most likely can
be completed in a single sitting, Well is my pious ambition; and you the reader
have your right to concur with me or incur displeasure by going against wisdom.
Anyway, I await with delight your esteemed sound opinion on all, or any aspect
and I promise I'll proceed in right direction with clarification to you,
Rapport between the reader and the writer breathes life into the work and makes
it live longer, you know it well.
have added glossary for your easy comprehension keeping in vie of the
difficulty of several Sanskrit terms used either for titles or it corporated in
the text. Indeed in certain cases, I intentionally made u of them to capturing
the spirit and beauty of Sanskrit-the source material for all the themes dealt
with in this book. Sure, no amount of explanation, nor commentary will bring
out the charm of the origin meaning and import. To avoiding the heavy weight by
thrust of long explanation, I have given only contextual meanings, consciously
side tracking the literary verbiage for the benefit of those who are aliens to
Sanskrit. And I am confident that the given little effects better rapport with
the original spirit of the terms used, although the glory, melody virility and
divinity can never be brought out by any effort into any language by any I
feel. Hence my option and adaptation.