Hindu Ethos In Capsules Volume-I
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Moreover, his fecundity is agreeably matched with warm hospitality and on no occasion he filled my mind without filling the stomach with delicious home made drinks. Despite realizing that my thanks are only a poor compensation, I make a bow now. Next comes the Experts Committee, T.T.D., Tirupati, invested with the benign power of granting AID to publish books But for the sagacity flavored with magnanimity my typescript could not have gone to the press, nor the Ethos moved about in full dignity. I express my obeisance to Sri I.L.N Sastry. B.com, BL, CA, LLB, Humanist advocate, eminent Telugu writer, its president for his commendable adjudication and exemplary benevolence for the sanction of grant. And to every member too, for extending due discretion during the process of selection. Than Sri K. Subba Rao, Editor, Saptagiri deserves my humblest gratitude, and to be frank with, without him my efforts could not have been crowned with success. I met him several times from the date of submission to receiving the order of Grant and worried him most, yet his smiling countenance exuding inimitable endurance was instilling confidence from time to time and so my palms rise at the very mention of his name.

When talking about the external agencies that made my work adoration worthy to the reading community, Dr. Krishna Srinivas, the Chief voice of this age, Founder president of the world poetry Society, Editorial Consultant. Who's Who in International Poetry, Cambridge, etc., comes first. Not only he weighed it in his sensitive balance to fix its worth to the last letter, he munificently blessed it with a Free Pass port for First Class aerial voyage, not across the continents alone, but to the planets high above. His magnanimity blessing me with the FOREWORD deserves genuflexions.


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