Karna, the indomitable hero of Mahabharata was given a rousing reception in Amarapuri
after attaining Veeraswarga, led by Devendra in the forefront, followed by Saptarishis,
Ashtadikpalakas, Navagrahas and the highest celestials in all denominations. For, he gifted away the
most valuables and even inseparables, when supplication was made. Hence the title Danakarna. He
was provided with a palatial mansion stuffed with objects of every kind, superb in quality and
inexhaustible in quantity Elated at the highest honour accorded, he feasted his eyes with the
abundance permeating his palace and environs. Going round, he surveyed everything, but found to
his dismay the absence of food. Anywhere. It perplexed him. Long brooding roused hunger. He
ordered for food, but none served him any dish, nor there was any trace of its availability. Anger
went beyond its bounds. Alas! it ended in rousing keenness of hunger only.
When fretting and fuming, then appeared Lord Krishna with his characteristic crafty
smile. It inflamed his emotion, and blamed him for the miserable fate meted out to him. Then
asked Krishna, "Kama dear, please tell me whether you have given food anytime in life to anyone,
even by mistake, though your incomparable gifting surpassed devas, or even your own emperor
boss Duryodhana". Pat came reply, 'No'. "So is this plight. Now come to another point, have you
ever directed any Kshudarthi - hungry man to the venue of Anndana". "Yes, Yes I pointed with my
finger to the hungry, the Duryodhana's choultry, where feeding was done round the clock". Krishna
ended, "Keep that finger into your mouth and lick it now". When obeyed, the burning hunger and
howling bowls were at once subsided and hunger appeased. Joy overflowed his broad sublime face,
and he at once started dancing with sounds of 'Pschooos' reverberating the whole