The Legend Of Mata Kanyaka Parameswari
Major Sections
Temples Of India


As the entire community of Vysya munis left for Kailas, there came stagnation - an abhorrent standstill state to the business activities such as agriculture etc. they were looking after. Soon many calamities, distresses and evils of all kinds occurred, due to non-availability of food-stuffs and money. How could people attend to any work without food: Is not money, the life-breath of everything necessary for carrying on anything in the world? The whole earth wore a forlorn look on account of stagnation permeating every realm of human endeavor. 

And it suffocated it. The dazzle and polish of life departed, why even the earth's crust lost its fertility, leaving in their place gloom and every threatening doom. Life became miserable, unpalatable, say undesirable. There was a craving for instant extinction and longing for urgent renaissance.

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