passing remark though irked me a little, gave spur for ransacking my shelf for
literature to feed my brain for working on a booklet at least to give shape to
her ideals I was impressed with and the message imbibed. Indeed, as rightly
pointed out by our great philosopher - President Sir. S. Radhakrishrlan, that it
is she who first started Satyagrah and demonstrated the infinite potentialities
of satwikanirodh - passive resistance to the world.
As I went on turning pages
of a few books I have in possession, behold! there started emerging then
gradually step by step from page after page her immaculate figure which like
Srimannarayan's Vamanavatar covered the entire cosmos by her gargantuan form
pleasant and stature majestic. I was dumbfounded and slowly slipped into
oblivion of everything around for a while, unable to comprehend - her splendor and the cause for which she took birth in this world.