in strict adherence to the tenets of vastusastra, it was exceedingly
grand - beautified with twelve broad Surya Veedhis and sixteen
Chandra Veedhis, each adorned with splendid mansions, high
pavilions, enticing little gardens, spiral stared wells, lovely
step ponds, imposing temples with broad halls, surrounded by five
strong prakaras with deep moats.
Tastefullly decorated and elegantly
furnished houses were allotted to them in the central part of the
nagara. With
befitting houses for Brahmins m the west, palatial mansions nor
Kshatrias in the east and cosy dwelling places for the Sudras in the
south and northern parts of the city.
As promised,
Mahavishnu and Mahalakshmi in the names of Janardhanaswamy and Konakamala,
Maheswar and Uma in the names of Nagareswar and Vindhyavasini took their seats
in the magnificently built temples, and started raining boons on the citizens to
fulfilling their desires on the merits of their sat karmas.
Hence, a belief
was current that a circumambulation of the city confers the same merit as that
of going round the earth bounded by four oceans. As it was materialized and
executed at the instance of the Highest Divinities, neither there was dearth in
anything, nor imports were awaited for daily consumption and so was hailed as a
city surpassing the splendor of Atakapuri, the capital of Kubera.