The Legend Of Mata Kanyaka Parameswari
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Bear it in mind, to lift the weak; adore the pious; protect the refugees, and show not violence to any at any time. It neither solves nor usher in peace. Satwika sakti is mightier than Pasuvika sakti. Dedicate yourself to noble causes. Give up life, if necessary for establishing dharma. Fear not the might of brute force, however armed with formidable weapons, surpassing the Agneyastras. Trust in the soul-force and it will repel any earthly potentate, however much military might he has at his command to the, extent of exercising paramountacy over all, and all the continents. 

And certainly it alone boomeranging on him, floors him in the end. Passive resistance, the visible manifestation of the soul force nourished by the Supreme Providence humbles the satanic power, and prostrating itself acknowledges the formers invincibility and superiority! Atmahuti wrings tears even in the steel frame and wins world sympathy. Acquire it! Accumulate it. Enrich it by putting it to right 'cause. 

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