And finally rather importantly, beware of the .dastardly impact of
indeed, it is the life breath, but, like cancerous worm, it feeds upon the fed
and endangers the very existence. Earn it only to put
it to right cause. Never be swept off by its eluding charms; for, it corrupts and pollutes, if adored unduly. Its corrosion effects
scraping all the imperious sheen of life and lands the victim in yamaloka for
eternal damnation. Mammon worshippers never rise to heights, but fall into
abyss, though they command even the elements.
Out of your honest earnings give a
quarter to the destitute and moor less unfortunate; another to the Kulagurus - Brahmins, third for sustenance and graceful living and the last quarter for
religious activities, inclusive of manes for the performance of sraddha,
annadhana etc. Beware of the unethical impact of hoarding and greed. They are
like obnoxious pisachis regale at the destruction of their own benefactors.