Standing before the fire-pit, after due prayers to the Nagareswaraswamy and
Vindhyavasini idols, and Janardhanaswamy and Konakamala with due rituals,
Vasavamba in ringing tones advised "Venerable Acharya and esteemed citizens
of this Mahanagara! Please listen to my final message - devotion to God acts as
a protective armor and none can shatter or remove it.
It is impregnable and
emancipates its adorers. Have absolute faith in the omnipotent Lord Siva. He
lifts. Drive off the Arishadvargas. Nullify them, if ever they
try to overpower
you. Recognise the power of vignana and master it, and it alone conquers the
unconquerable. Our community will be blessed with superb powers of intellect,
exemplary shrewdness and commendable presence of mind.