The Temples Of North-East India
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Temples Of India

The Renowned Sakti Peetha of Gujarat 

Due to abundant grace showered on the ardent devotees, this MOTHER became very popular throughout the length and breadth of Bharat Khand. And since then bhaktas in numbers countless are worshipping her passionately for crossing the samsarasagara. The Nagar Brahmins who installed the yantra and started propagating Sakti cult are being patronized by rulers from time to time. Endowments are made for the continuance of regular prayer services with elaborate rituals due to them. Many, ranging from ascetics to hedonists of all major religions have become worshippers of this jagajjanani, and as their desires are fulfilled, popularity is gaining ascendancy over other Saktipeethas established elsewhere. Here arc a few legends that cemented the faith of worshippers in her Omni compassion. As the stories have left concrete proofs, they have fortified the faith of the sceptics and atheists too. 

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About Ambaji
You are Here! Antiquity..Pg2
Rana Pratap's Episode
Vimal shah's Episode
The Cowherd's Episode
The Temple..Pg1
The Temple..Pg2