Its story opens in Treta yuga with Madhu on the throne as the
monarch of Mathura, then called Madhuvan. He was a power intoxicated
autocrat. To quench his thirst for expansion by Digvijaya yatra, he
sent his son Lavana to Ayodhya to annex it, ruled then by Sri Rama,
the son of Dasaratha. With a view to teaching him a lesson on
humility, when challenged the invincibility of the Solar dynasty,
Sri Rama sent Satrughna, the least known, yet the most valorous to
the war front. It was a child's play for Satrughna to subdue
Iavana's impudent arrogance. On killing both father and son, he
founded the city and named it Mathura, perhaps, in memory of the
dead king. Many deputies of the Solar dynasty ruled it for
centuries, and then it came under the Yadavas during the time of
Ugrasena, the father of Kamsa, the wicked.