According to legend, Dhruva, the first son of Uttanapada, born
through Suneethi was insulted by his stepmother Surichi, when he was
about to sit on the lap of his father. Advised by Narada, he did
severe penance, and when Sri Mahavishnu gave darsan, over-whelmed by
the Lord's aparupa soundarya, he became mute. The all-compassionate
God, then touched his cheek with His conch, the embodiment of the
Vedas. Regaining the faculty of speech, Dhruva sang in praise of the
lord with such incomparable exuberance that he was given the
highest, permanent place among the stars. That event is supposed to
have taken place here, and so held sacred.
his is sanctified by Krishna's taking rest after killing Kamsa. On
completing His jagadodharana karya, he preferred this- spot for its
coolness and serenity. He rested there long. Orthodox Hindus besides
taking bath in this, offer pindas to their manes.