The Temples Of North-East India
Major Sections
Temples Of India

The Fount of Indian Culture

With such inexhaustibly irresistible loveliness, superb rare bliss ethical emanating from every frame of its construction, it impress everyone that it is , fit to be the apex office of interplanetary organization even. Scores of white garbed cheerful personnel in charge of several ennobling tasks wring veneration by their indefatigable individual attention paid to every visitor. Their spotless white attire and screw, visages, beaming with inner satisfaction, born of their wholehearted commitment to divine ministrations speak volumes of the infectious humanism they are treasuring up to share out to those yearning minds and starving souls. Though the rich spiritual nectar exuding from their mouths is nothing new nor extra-ordinary, the method of their approach and presentation make the listeners awe-stuck and spell bound throughout. The nucleus and locus of their central message is nothing more, nor superior to the quintessence of the all adorable Hinduism, but coming as it is from Sind, and put in exotic bottles with eye-catching wrappers, it enthralls anyone and demands recognition. Indeed their infinite zeal and inexhaustible divine inspiration for taking mankind to a better world of bliss deserve mute submission and wholehearted veneration by every man endowed with sagacity and compassionate out-look.

Abounding in a wide variety of such rich marvellous pieces of eternal interest, Mount Abu welcomes the visitors round the year and elevates them to higher regions for bliss and contentment. Sure, no hill resort holds such inherent potentialities, nor likely challenge comparison to this in any aspect, as a matter fact. It ,is second to none but to itself. A visit is a must and a single experience beckons many recurrences! On and again!!

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About Mount Abu
Sight Seeing Itenerary
Arbuda Devi 
Gau Mukh And... 
Shri Raghunathji 
Achaleswar Mahadev 
Kanyakumari And..
The Dilwara Temples..Pg1
The Dilwara Temples..Pg2
The Dilwara Temples..Pg3
Tejpal Temple
Khartar Vasihi.. 
Nakki Lake
Sunset Point
Brahma Kumaris..Pg1
You are Here! Brahma Kumaris..Pg2