Mukh temple is one among the ancient temples. It is situated on an
elevated place with a small tank in the fore. It is always full with
pure water, which falls through a cow's mouth carved out of granite.
A little farther ahead blow lies the famous Vasistha Asram, the
immortal sage of the epic age. The statues of muni Vasistha with
Rama and Lakslnnana on either side and Antnadhati in the front are
installed in the middle of the courtyard. A marble statue of Nanditu
is put up outside the asram and they stand to testify to the truth
of the legend that Abu owes its glory to Vasistha, and is associated
with the celestials. And it is from this asram's sacrificial
Fire-pit, the Agnikula Kshatrias emerged. Legend lures the pilgrims
and tends their heads before the divinities. There is pond here
bearing the name of Naga Thirtha proclaiming to the world of its
miraculous power
of fertility. A dip in it relieves one from the curse of barrenness.
Barrenness is believed to be the effect of sarpa sapa, for having
killed snakes in the previous birth. A bath in this offsets that
dosha; for, it is in this place alone Uttanka obtained Karnabharanas
from the serpent king. It is considered very sacred, and so the
thronging of the childless persons throughout the year.