Andhra Pradesh
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Fantastic it seems that this much hallowed Narisimha kshetra is bereft of the archamurti in the garbha griha, although there are mandirs and mini-shrines for several deities. But there is a well built, grandly adorned big shrine for Mother Mahalakshmi outside the compound. This is a hill temple extremely popular as a picnic spot and visited round the year to offering prayers. The garbha griha of the Narisimha temple enshrines the foot prints of Lord Narishma who it is said visited this place after the samhara of Hiranyakasipu. They are treated as the actual archamurti and all agamic rituals are offered to them with great due veneration.

The Mother's shrine lying outside has all the parts like garbha griha, tower prakar etc., and the icon feasts the eyes with unusual beauty. Prayer services are offered according to Agama tents. The Utsavamurthis are kept in the nearby village called Aamudala for safety and are brought here on the festival days. like car festival celebrated on the auspicious Ratasaptami.

It lies 35 km of Anantapur of Andhra Pradesh. commanding bus facilities.

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