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Temples Of India


The very moment Kousika saw the huge army of Chanda Mundas, she turned red in face, as one Siva came out of her body, turning instantly the colour of her whole person dark. It is from that terrible form was born Kali - the dark-hued gigantic form called Kalika - a powerful goddess, who drank away the blood falling from the body of Raktabhoja bye stretching her tongue and covering the whole battle-field, for he was blessed to be born in thousand forms if a drop of blood were to be spilled by the enemy. The danava brothers whop entered the battle ground, after the death of Chanda Mundas were put to death in the end by that frightful Kali in her fiercest form. This awful aspect of Mother Parvati, after danava samhara took her seat in the Himalavan region. She strikes terror and destroys bonds, tying humans to this world and hence she is called the liberator. Lord Maheswar himself, the Mahakala lies under the foot of Kali like a corpse symbolising the fact, that purusha is Udasina, white Prakriti alone is act a and is the principal cause of motion Siva and Sakti thus represent consciousness and energy, but they are ONE, and nothing but oneness alone exists between them In the cosmic projection. this one becomes God and Goddess. 

But lo! Kali is portrayed as a very merciful deity, though shocking in her external features, like broad red shot eyes, sharp incisors, awful countenance, shocking stature and riding astride a terrifying lion. She is infinitely compassionate and appears as Sarvamangala, Sundae, Durghatanasini, Mahasakti etc., and grants the desires of leer devotees liberally. And always stands by their side. She is described by many names such as Kali, for her dark complexion; Karali for frightening form, Manojava for swift motion; Sulohita for blood coloured complexion and Sudhumravana for smoke coloured visage etc.

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About Calcutta - Kalima Mandir
The Emergence Of Kali.Pg1
You are Here! The Emergence Of Kali.Pg2
The Origin Of Name
The Temple
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