This well-built and superbly adorned ancient temple is exercising
an irresistible attraction over both class and mass of this remote village, all but
due to the infinite compassion Mother is displaying in fulfilling the desires of
the devotees. The Mother once played a dominating role as a powerful goddess
Sakti and the
temple was the abode and centre of Sakti cult. Many tantric adepts in Sakti cult used
to assemble her for carrying
on their activities Endowed richly by philanthropists and rulers, it is quite imposing
in construction and vast in dimensions. The
exquisite sculptural adornments with various images of Sakti, particularly set
up in the gallery of the spacious Sabha mantap attract every visitor and wring
their veneration. Out of the well known twenty four images of Bhagawathi in he
different aspects, eighteen are beautifully arranged. The artistry of the maker
is superb and the details portrayed are excellent. Daily worship is conducted
with due veneration. Its antiquity and popularity as the erstwhile abode of
Goddess Sakti and of the cult are its plus points for frequent visitation.
Moreover, Mother Mahalakshmi is extremely favourable to her pious adores. Hence
a steady stream of devotees throughout the year.
lies off 4 km of Ponda, one of the famous towns in Goa territory, accessible by