is a unique ancient temple enshrining an enchanting image of tantalising Mohini,
a distinct and dazzling aspect of Sri Mahavishnu, assumed to make the devaganas,
the sole beneficiaries of nectar got by churning the Ksheerasagra. But
for this ravishing form the devas could not have become amaras or freed from
eternal harassment by them cousins, the danavas Mohini by external dazzle and
inexplicable charms blindened the intellect of demons, who under the
intoxication of her vivacious form, and juvenescent charm turned oblivious of
their own share. This temple is perpetuating that spectacular episode through
the archamurti Mohini It is here the female aspect of Vishnu is worshipped. His
inimitable craftiness, infinite concern for jagatkalyana are adored though
prayers are offered to the female deity. A single darsan brings to memory the
spectacle Lord Mahavishnu's glory. The deity too is casting a spell on the adores
by the matchless artistry of the sculptor. Daily worship is offered with rituals
due Periodical festivals relevant to female deity are celebrated with great
eclat. Aesthetes and Joyous tourists visit and inhale the aroma of Mahavishnu's
artful diplomacy to their lungs full recalling to their memory the entire event.
It is 27 km of Panaji, the Goa capital, accessible by four wheelers.