in 1573 by Rata Dip Prakash, this ancient Sakti temple is visited by a steady
stream of pilgrims and locals round the year. Its divinity popularised by a big
fair conducted twice a year is to the real source of eternal inspiration not
only to
people living in Himachal Pradesh, but its neighbouring States like Uttar
Pradesh, Haryana etc. Lakhs of devotees visit and participate in all the special
prayer services with unparalleled enthusiasm. Special buses ply from many
prominent towns during these fairs lasting for weeks. It has carved out an
unenviable place for over centuries as pilgrim centre of great religious
significance. As the goddess is exceedingly well disposed towards her votaries,
they frequent her sannidhi during every crisis and offer soulful prayer taking
vows. And for redemption they are turning up with ecstatic joy and go home with
unbounded happiness. Agamic worship is offered regularly with due zeal.
is 23 km off Nahan a premier city of Haryana accessible
by four wheelers.