forming an integral part of the great Jagannatha mandir, this archamurti
Mahalakshmi has its entity, existence and so, exclusive prayer services are
offered independent of other shrines. All but due to her imposing stature and
having a mandir majestic in construction and adornments This was built along
with the main mandir by Chodaganga Deva. Its architectural style bears a striking
resent balance to the main temple in towers, halls and sculptural adornments Its
honorific name is Tripabhuti Vaikunta Manimandap and it is enshrining an
enchanting statue of Mother Mahalakshmi, the darling spouse of Sri Mahavishnu.
This shrine is held in high veneration and in its spacious halls almost all the
religious discourses are held regularly. It is a tradition that every visitor
invariably sits in meditation for a few minutes It is a scriptural command
implemented with due reverence. This shrine houses in addition to Mahalakshmi
an august icon of Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy, Adi Sankara offered prayers here and
his icon is installed at the holy feet of Lakshmi Narasimhaswamy as a mark of
his sculful obeisance to the potent archamurti and the Lords' special favour
extended to him. On account of holding two most worshipful deities in one main
mandir adoration confers double merits. Locals invariably visits on important
functions celebrated in accordance with Vaishnava agamas. Gudies take the
pilgrims, to this sannidhi without fail.
lies in the vast temple campus of Lord Jagannath in Puri, accessible by bus and