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This is another much hallowed mini - shrine dedicated to Mother Mahavajreswari located in the interior courtyard of Srikshetra. She is the dear spouse of Lord Maheswar who is the kshetrapalaka of this glorious Jagannath temple. And is popular as Indrani. Regular ritualistic worship is offered with due veneration. The Mother's icon decorated with colourful garlands and dazzling jewels appears quite charming and visitors are drawn irresistibly towards when the very name is uttered and glory explained by the guide to the perennial flow of devotees visiting from several parts round the year. Her name casts a spell and her compassion enthralls the devout bhakthas. Locals visit regularly and offer spulful prayers as she is with her Lord keeping guard of this Divya Dham since inception.

It is in the campus of Srikshetra which is accessible by train and bus.

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