other spouse of Lord Siva called Kamalambigai is installed in a separate
spacious mandir and she reveals in her yogasana posture. She has a separate
spacious shrine and she reveals in her yogasana posture. She is Chaturbhuja
holding in her four hands, pasu, rudraksha, lotus and the fourth one
showing abhayamudra. She has a passion for blessing the people, who renounce
this world-snapping all family relations and immerse in meditation and penance
to obtain mukti. If once a man attains mukti, there is no need for rebirth and
passing through vicious circle of birth and death. The Mother blesses such
highly evolved souls lavishly and frees them once for all from this
grief-stricken material world. So spiritually advanced bhaktas crave for her
darsan and blessings, whereas Neelotpalambigai confers on her bhaktas
materials, money and worldly possessions. The votaries of Kamalambigai are, of
course small in number, but their desires and longings are supreme. Thus this
Sakti-Peeth enshrines in itself several awe-some features to the envy of several
yugas old temples.
This lies 40 km. off Tanjore, a famous pilgrim centre and, commands all modes of
conveyance from any nearby towns.