legendary name of this holy kshetra is Gomathurupuram.
It acquired immense fame for the prime reason that TRUTH stands on par with
Sakti and the Mother rewards the truthful persons on offering prayers when they
face unending hardships. The difficulties they face, it is believed sent by God
only test man's capacity to stand against the satanic forces. If he boldly
confronts them, he come out victorious and thereby throws a halo round the
goddess of truth; for she stands for such truth and advocates it to her
adorers. And they pass for torch-bearers to be followed by all. The power of
Sakti, or its Sakti thatva is demonstrated here and there are several anecdotes
that exemplify this universal truth. Liars are punished in several ways.
legend says that Kamadhenu and her progeny with a view to be freed from
ferocious animals did penance propitiating Lord Siva called Abhirameswar here.