them, there was Sage Gautama. Although he aspired for that unearthly
lady, he was no match with the mighty, healthy, weighty men
participating. When lagging behind, he saw a black cow giving birth
to a calf. Going round it thrice, he came back to Brahma, and by
quoting the scriptural authority, claimed the lady. Brahma could not
brush aside his request; for, it is specifically said that going
round a cow during the delivery of a calf tantamounts to going round
the earth. So, the wedding was solemnized. Just then the contestants
returned and found that the much coveted praise went to Gautama.
Bowing to the verdict, they departed. Gautama at the instance of
Brahma reached Brahmagiri and lived with Ahalya that was the name
given to her in an asram built in the vicinity.