he was charged with killing of cow -- a grave sin. To be absolved of
it, only Gangasnana was prescribed. Anon he began penance invoking
Siva's grace. Yugas passed. He stood against several attempts of
seduction even by Mother Parvathi sending her maid Jatika to disturb
his penance, seeing the celestial beauties returned crest -- fallen.
Gautama's austerity brought Siva down. When Gautama was asked to
name his intention, he expressed that Mother Ganga should come down
from her place and flow here to enabling him bathe in her for
getting absolved of the sin of gohatya. Gratified, he bade Ganga to
flow down. Though unwilling to leave her Lord, Gangs. started
flowing. Gautama bathed in it and was cleaned of his sin.
Thenceforth, Ganga was called Gautami after the originator. At the
earnest request of Maharshi Lord Siva accepted to abide in this
place as Jyotirlinga. The Mother Parvathi thus got rid of her savati
for ever. It did inestimable help to the land; for, Ganga with her
perennial flow turned the deserted land into fertile soil, feeding
thereby millions of people with bumper crops raised on either side
of its course, covering hundreds of miles. Godavari descended thus
on the 10th of the bright half of Magha during the reign of King
Mandhata established for itself a highly coveted place among the
rivers, and its - basin gave asylum to several human species, who
brought immortal fame to Mother Bharat. Now remains the visit to the
temple of Triyambakeswar.