is at this time, Mother Parvathi met with a problem. Finding her
Lord's clandestine liaison with Ganga, she desired to get rid of
her. When confided to Vinayaka, her eldest son he suggested to cut
off Siva's jatas, the seat of Ganga for solution. Mother Parvathi
resented at it; for, her Lord would be deformed if done so. Then
they took recourse to a stratagem - sending out Ganga through
agency. Vinayaka with the aid of Varuna created an artificial famine
on earth everywhere, except near Gautam's asram. So all ascetics
came to his asram for shelter. He happily accepted to play host. It
went on for years. During then, one day, by chance he drove out a
cow eating away grain in his asram with a bunch of Kusa grass. It
died as planned by Vinayaka and his party.